’My mind is always running and thinking!’ Mind will come, but you don’t have to go

 In Angol nyelvű cikkek, ego, mind

Hungarian version: „Az elmém mindig rohangál és gondolkodik!” Az elme jön, de mi nekünk nem kell elmennünk vele – kezeljük a félelmet így

This is not teaching… this is a mirror – my mind is always thinking

Break off from ’I or me’ sense by constantly recognising it as a phenomenon appearing in that space of your Self, the unchanging. Give attention to this question, ’Who am I?’. What arises as ’I’, here inside the body? Can it be identified as a tangible entity? The very attempt to catch hold of the illusive ’I’ sense breaks its spell and thus leaves you as pure Self-awareness. We don’t learn something, we are just looking into a mirror. This is not teaching… The mirror reflects the pure subject. This is the reality. This mirror helps us to remember what we are, by exposing what we are not. We do not like to ask ’Who am I?’ We always ask, ’Who are you?’ or ’Who is he or she?’ Wh? We can not find the answer to this question at the mental level and this can be frustrating for the ego – manage your fear like this, my mind is always running, my mind is always thinking

Soon, it will become natural to be…

Beingness seemingly brought itself here to fully experience duality, and yet remain in its original awareness. While imagining itself to be a person, the beingness will often experience confusion and conflict, for personhood… ’My mind is always running!’ Do not pay so much attention to this. Instead of this put your attention just on the sense of being which is natural quiet. Beingness does not have to hold onto a history of itself. It is timeless. That consciousness which is unmoving, still, effortless, beyond the concept of stillness. ’What to do?’ This is the mantra of the mind. ’Keep quiet.’ Forget about all you have already heard.

Manage your fear like this

We say the fear is a monster, but what kind of monster? Where is it? In our mind, not in the life. What will die? You should be strong and say: ’Swallow me up! I am here!’ Invite this happening. Hand your existence to existence but don’t cover your eyes. But remember one thing, to be aware of the one watching this. Nothing is actually touching you when you come to the recognition, I am space like awarness. But when the fear appear you might feel completely helpless. In this case lay yourself down and keep quiet. Do not judge and do not fight. Hand yourself over to the burning, let it just happen. Let it be… You shouldn’t embrace this moment, but allow it full expression.

So, stop fighting. Who and where is the enemy? Is it everywhere? Do not entertain the thought! That is what makes it painful. Let life be. It is the mistaken idea that a person can do or undo action to bring about freedom that leads to all confusion, struggle and frustration. When release from the spell of the illusory ego occurs, instead of the anticipated crisis imagined, space, lightness and joy prevail. Sometimes out of nowhere, grace appears and removes the dirty from your eyes. As soon as the fears comes, it is gone, but you are not gone. Just your attention… You are here to witness.



Attila Cross

Keresztes Attila, a cikkek írója

A cikkeimben integrálom a nyugati pszichológiát a keleti filozófiával. Orvosi szaklapokban publikálok és 3 területről van egészségügyi szakvizsgám (keletei-nyugati medicina). 2005 óta dolgozom emberekkel és 350+ a nyilvános ajánlások (sikertörténetek száma) a honlapon.


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Cikk kategória (angol, magyar)


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