Drop the belief that you need more time to be happy

 In Angol nyelvű cikkek, seek for the truth

Hungarian version: Dobjuk el azt a meggyőződésünket, hogy a boldogsághoz több időre van szükségünk – önmegvalósítás definíciója, a szabadság az elme egy állapota

Maybe we have to reach somewhere else?

We are searching for the solution outside vainly, which our inner world then reflects. Anybody who doesn’t learn to manage this, will never be happy with anybody, anywhere in the long-term. This is the meaning of self realistaion – self-realizing definition, freedom is a state of mind

If we can’t satisfy our desires, we become angry. If we can, then repeatedly arises attachment, egoism and pride with the pathological condition of the compulsive thinking. Observe, how in 10 minutes how many unnecessary thoughts arise in you! This strains the nervous system eventually causing disease (see psychosomatic). Here are a lots of articles in this topic which are available for anybody for free, containing specific methods. There are plenty of great solutions and helpers. As a first step, I propose try to resolve the problem. Work on it. After all, we can solve only our own problems. Nobody else can do it. As nobody can lose your weight instead for you, and as the shopkeeper won’t give us fruit and vegetables that have been chewed over thankfully. On this page there are lots of solutions available, where I try to help the honest searchers with specific practices.


Self-realizing definition – Let all come and go…

Do not define the Self, be the Self. So, do not go beyond… Remain beyond. Everything is happens in you, not to you… What we are searching for is already here… If you say: ’I have realised the Self’, you can see ’I’ who wants to achieve something… Or if you say: ’I need more time’, this is just an idea… You are here, you exist. You should have to drop yourself, that is, drop the idea of who you think you are. When you are controlling you cannot be spontaneous… Do not take yourself so seriously. Awareness isn’t an object, so it cannot be perceived. It does not looking after or prayer… And you cannot be what you perceive, I write about this: The life force flows effortlessly: about my experiences and seeking – flow and neti neti meaning, definition Self is eternal, it is the self-image that dies…


.Freedom is a state of mind

You are one with yourself that can’t perceive yourself and death is one of mind’s ideas… but it can help us and we will see the freedom. Who can say: ’I cannot find myself.’ Your self-image is ephemeral… Do not say: ’This is who I am.’ Ego needs time and identity, but who are you really? And who or what knows anything and what knows that? Contemplate this and you will meet the undisturbed peace… There is no thing beyond ’I am’. Why do you require so much before you will allow yourself to simply rest as being?


Attila Cross

Keresztes Attila, a cikkek írója

A cikkeimben integrálom a nyugati pszichológiát a keleti filozófiával. Orvosi szaklapokban publikálok és 3 területről van egészségügyi szakvizsgám (keletei-nyugati medicina). 2005 óta dolgozom emberekkel és 350+ a nyilvános ajánlások (sikertörténetek száma) a honlapon.


Hozd ki magadból a maximumot integrált önfejlesztéssel

20 év munka, több, mint 800 cikk (köztük van több 30 oldalas írás is), mely letesztelt, gyakorlati megoldásokon alapszik. Segítesz egy nemes ügyben, hogy minél több embernek segíthessünk megtartva az objektivitást?

Cikk kategória (angol, magyar)


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